Kamis, 26 September 2013

#Jaejoong as Goddess in Thailand? Jaejoong jadi Mahadewi di Thailand? Jaejoong masuk daftar 5 artis Kpop cantik tanpa make up

Because of his beautiness that gives such calm and peacefull feeling to whoever look at his lovely face, Jaejoong is mistaken as a Goddes in a small town in Thailand
JYJ Kim #Jaejoong Treated Like a Goddess in Thailand?
We all know that JYJ′s Kim Jae Joong is pretty, but a small town in Thailand sees him a little differently.

A photo was revealed through an online community describing how a television program in Thailand, which deals with strange and mysterious phenomena, introduced a small town that believes in a goddess captured inside a small photo. 
 Photo Credit: Online Community

‘goddess’ in the picture turned out to be none other than Kim Jae Joong. 

Rabu, 25 September 2013

Kim Jaejoong, # 1. “ Beautiful Man ” diputuskan dalam 0,1 detik .[NEWS] Scientific Reasons Behind Why Kim Jaejoong is The Most Beautiful Man in Asia?

Kim Jaejoong, # 1. “ Beautiful Man ” diputuskan dalam 0,1 detik
 Kim Jaejoong, #1. “Beautiful Man” is Decided in 0.1 Second
[read this article in English below..scroll down]
Kim Jaejoong adalah # 1. Tak hanya di Korea, ia menjadi ‘the beautiful man’ di Asia!
2013-09-25 [28yr old] Jaejoong in his Instagram; bornfreeonekiss2

Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

Raditya Iryandi...Senjata Rahasia Dunia Maya dan HITECH Korea Selatan dari Indonesia? .....Hacker Indo Paling ditakuti di Dunia Saat Ini

Hacker Indo Paling ditakuti di Dunia Saat Ini

Raditya Iryandi

jadi begini gan, sejak tahun 2004 sebenernya kita di Indonesia yg kita cinta ini punya hacker yang paling di takutin di dunia karena merekalah yang 2 orang hacker sejak 2006 sampai 2011 yang dapat melakukan hack pada satelite di seluruh dunia, seperti VSAT dan Satelit Comercial TV Malaysia, yang

Minggu, 03 Februari 2013

Rock style of Kim Jaejoong's 1st Solo Album 'I'

Jaejoong to Release Repackage Album “Y” on February 26, Will Also Begin Asia Tour

I love this scene so much...some fans called it invisible piano...but it reminds me the habit of young greatest Cpop composer, Jay Chou ...he has ability as conductor or do invisible piano or  gucheng/Chinese Zither [reminds me of Deadful Melody film played by Brigitte Lin Ching Hsia...so cool!]

Rabu, 28 November 2012

Who is Kim Jaejoong? Siapakah Kim Jaejoong? bagaimana perjalanan meniti karirnya dari DBSK/TVXQ TOHOSHINKI sebagai TOP idola KPOP seAsia kemudian karirnya diblokir dan digempur habis-habisan dari berbagai pihak penguasa KPOP sehingga harus susah payah meniti karir lagi dari nol dan berhasil jauh lebih sukses bersama JYJ sebagai composer, singer dan actor kelas Internasional dalam persaingan tidak sehat industri KPOP ?

Jaejoongie saat usia 17 tahun. Wajah Jaejoongie yang sangat unik spt bunglon hingga dewasa ini ; selalu berubah akibat efek angle kamera membuat orang mencurigai apakah oplas atau asli mengingat hampir semua idol Kpop terutama artis SME melakukan oplas......padahal kalau orang melakukan oplas akan terlihat janggal dan akan berhati-hati supaya jangan terlalu banyak ekspresi wajah......kenyataannya  Jaejoongie orangnya  sangat ekspresif dan suka sekali senam wajah saat tidur
Jaejoongie sangat menyukai ular bahkan berani mengecup bibir ular

Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

How to be a Seoul local: 10 tips on faking it

note;  Kim Jaejoong JYJ/ DBSK is the most beautiful male of Asian who has natural beauty white silky milky porcelain skin and natural beautiful figure and face even without any make up and casual outfit in summer. He is the talented artist as musician, singer, actor and music director.

Essential shortcuts to make it appear 

like you've lived here forever

1. How to look good, always 

Korean actor Jang Geun-seok's flawless skin is 50 percent Mother Nature, 50 percent Photoshop, and 100 percent snail cream.

There are two rules regarding appearances in Seoul.
First rule: be prepared for pain. Second rule: the pain is worth it. 
Those are the key principles behind the Korean look: put together, and shamelessly so. There are no trust fund babies